The Holy Grale

Made by Jordi van der Lem

A C# project



Light Sphere

In The holy grale there are torches on the wall as seen in the video. I made the system so that when you are close, the torches are detected and will light. This is made to prevent lag and to make the game more efficient.

If you are interested in how the code works have a look at the picture below.




In many games things move. This game is no exception. I have made an event system that detects when a player walks through a trigger. the triggers send out a signal that they have been triggered. All the objects that are linked to the event via scripts will then start to do their own function like move up or down.

If you are interested in how the code works have a look at the picture below.


This is the event script for objects that can move between 2 points, like the door



Text system

Text is a important part of games. That is why I made the text system. This system writes text if the player walks through a trigger. In the trigger is set how long it takes to write 1 letter and how long it will stay on the screen when it is done writing. If you want to know how it works exacly look at the code below.


Github Page

If you want to see the full project pleas click the link down below to go to the project github page

Github Link